Posts Tagged With: growing up

There is nothing beneficial to gain here.

So, it’s been a few days since my discussion of the zombie outbreak and not much has happened. Other than finding a crop circle. But, I’m feeling the pressure of needing to keep up with the blog world. After all, us kids got to move  to the grown up table of the blog family dinner. I don’t do much in the way of hobbies so I’m going to give y’all second best. Over my lifetime I have become quite the collector of random and utterly usless shit. And now I am going to polute

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

your mind with the same crap that I have been jotting down in my book of usless knowledge.

* The platypus lays eggs, lactates but has no nipples, hunts via electricity, and has 80 different kinds of toxins.
* There are at least 10 recorded cases of people dying from laughter.
*  The Philippine Island of Luzon has a lake. The lake contains ans island. This island contains a lake, and this lake contains another island.
* Diarrhea was the leading cause of death among soldiers in the Civil War. And soldiers had a code of honor against shooting at someone taking a poop.
* The people of Easter Island have a word called “Tingo” which literally means “the act of taking objects one desires from the house of a friend by gradually borrowing all of them”.
* According to research, ‘highly cheerful’ people die younger.
*You are more likely to get throat cancer from oral sex than you are from smoking.
* Cookie Monster‘s name was Sid before he got addicted.
* On average, you’ll spend about one year of your life looking for misplaced objects.
* There is enough preservatives in a bag of Doritos to mummify a small dog.
* You can have your loved ones cremated and then packed into fully functioning bullets. A company called Holey Smokes specializes in that.
* When a male honeybee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies.

Ok, so apparently I have more shit than I relized. So I will update you brain cells later.

Categories: Emily aka ohthatkid | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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