Author Archives: ohthatkid

O Canada

Hello world. It has been some time since I have engaged with all of you. And in case you are wondering, things are going well. Very well actually. If you recall in a few of my previous posts there was mention of a particular person that I had strong affection for. Well that turned to shit. But I am not upset about it. Things were never going to work like that between us. We are better off friends and that is What we are. I will always love him as I do all my peeps, but physically it had to stop. But I digress. I have, within the last few weeks, met somebody new. A friend of another friend. (That sounds awkward) I had met him a couple of times and I never thought that I would develop feelings for him. It was just friends hanging out. But then it just hit me out of no where. I didn’t even see it coming. Next thing I know, the two of us are getting together quite regularly. It’s not easy for me to take things slow and for the most pat we have been. And I must say, it’s rather exciting. 🙂 Being around him is like being with Bekkie, almost, as in its very easy for the two of us to hang out. We do nothing but talk for hours about any and everything. He makes me laugh, he’s smart, he even speaks French. Which is quite nice to hear even when I have no earthly idea what is being said. :} Everything about him is great and I aways have the best time when we hang out. It just feels natural. I truly hope that this one works out to my advantage. I could use a little pick me up in my life. Now, all that being said, I typed all of this on my phone so forgive me if it’s a little off-balance from my normal readings. I will, as always, do my best to continue my updates. Until the next time. ~E~

Categories: Emily aka ohthatkid | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Apples and Eggplants

As I have mentioned before in previous pots, I am a little smitten with a particular person. At this point there is no need to indulge you with the bullshit that happened a couple of weeks ago. Words were had between “Her” and myself and now, no words have been said between me and him. I miss him a lot tonight. And I’m beginning to hate the feeling. I have known deep down that a real relationship could never ensue between the two of us, but I always stayed optimistic. Which is ironic in a way because I am one of the most pessimistic people around.

Just goes to show why I never get my hopes up. If you expect the worst, then when it happens you can deal with it accordingly knowing that this is how shit was going to work out in the first place. But on the rare occasion of life going opposite your shitty attitude, it feels pretty fucking great! This is not the latter.

I get over him a little more each day, but sometimes I just don’t want to. I don’t understand why we can’t at least attempt to try having a real relationship. I have my hypotheses, but never scientifically proven. I know I deserve better than what I let myself put up with. But I’m tired of waiting. I have 2 beautiful little boys who need a positive male influence and I’m beginning to feel like they aren’t going to get it until it’s too late.

No man my age wants to raise 2 kids that are not his. Hell! Most of them can’t even raise their own. I’m used to being alone, but now I’m just lonely. I love the wrong people too much and I’m damaging myself in return.– Emily


Categories: Emily aka ohthatkid | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment



Supper (Photo credit: fredthechicken)

Nothing happened today. I just feel like I should share that with all of you in my attempt to keep up with all the blogging. How was your day? Did you enjoy the weather? Did you drink tea outside on the patio? How are the children? And your mother? I hear there’s a bad bug going around. Everybody steered clear of it? Well, I won’t keep ya too much longer. I know you have things to do and dinner to cook. It was nice talking to you. Hope to see you around sometime. Goodbye.




Categories: Emily aka ohthatkid | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

There is nothing beneficial to gain here.

So, it’s been a few days since my discussion of the zombie outbreak and not much has happened. Other than finding a crop circle. But, I’m feeling the pressure of needing to keep up with the blog world. After all, us kids got to move  to the grown up table of the blog family dinner. I don’t do much in the way of hobbies so I’m going to give y’all second best. Over my lifetime I have become quite the collector of random and utterly usless shit. And now I am going to polute

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

your mind with the same crap that I have been jotting down in my book of usless knowledge.

* The platypus lays eggs, lactates but has no nipples, hunts via electricity, and has 80 different kinds of toxins.
* There are at least 10 recorded cases of people dying from laughter.
*  The Philippine Island of Luzon has a lake. The lake contains ans island. This island contains a lake, and this lake contains another island.
* Diarrhea was the leading cause of death among soldiers in the Civil War. And soldiers had a code of honor against shooting at someone taking a poop.
* The people of Easter Island have a word called “Tingo” which literally means “the act of taking objects one desires from the house of a friend by gradually borrowing all of them”.
* According to research, ‘highly cheerful’ people die younger.
*You are more likely to get throat cancer from oral sex than you are from smoking.
* Cookie Monster‘s name was Sid before he got addicted.
* On average, you’ll spend about one year of your life looking for misplaced objects.
* There is enough preservatives in a bag of Doritos to mummify a small dog.
* You can have your loved ones cremated and then packed into fully functioning bullets. A company called Holey Smokes specializes in that.
* When a male honeybee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies.

Ok, so apparently I have more shit than I relized. So I will update you brain cells later.

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Not About Cheese

In my previous blog I had talked about a particular person. And I am once again on the opposite side of my feelings. I would like to, someday, get over my prepubescent emotional standings but frankly, I just don’t want to. I noticed earlier today that this aforementioned boy had his Facebook activated again. Which means that he

Logo Connecting Emotional Intelligence

Logo Connecting Emotional Intelligence (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

probably has a phone and I have not heard from him in almost a week. This happens every time. We have an amazing time kickin it for a week or so and then he just vaporizes.

I had to learn the hard way to not push him when it comes to anything emotional. And it drives me absolutely bonkers! This time especially. He said some things to me that I’ve waited too long to hear; as you all know, and now he’s pulling the same old shit agin. And men wonder why women are so fucking crazy. I know better than to sit around and obsess over a stupid little boy but I just don’t want to stop. I had met another guy during our “time out” and have been seeing him for a couple of months. I’m afraid to break it off with him because I don’t know where this other thing is going to end up at. Then just the other night a friend of mine said she has a guy that she wants me to meet. So, I briefly explain my soul crushing dilemma and tell her that I just don’t want anything more than a friendship. But naturally I still agreed to meet him. Can anybody else see where this train is going? Bottom line is, I’m going to continue to ride this derailed train and hope that somehow I can keep us all from charing horribly in the fireball that is barreling toward me.


Categories: Emily aka ohthatkid | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

I’m Sorry I Neglected You

I’m not much of a writer even though I usually have a lot to say. I just simply don’t make the time. Nor do I feel like I have anything interesting to say. But, I made a promise to my bitch til’ the world blows, and I have to uphold the law that is our friendship. So, I will do my very best to update the blogging world about my seemingly ordinary life.

I recently got this man back into my life in a way that I never thought would happen again. At least not so soon. We have been good friends for almost 10 years and I can talk to him like he’s Rebekkah. We laugh, hang out, goof around and can even have some pretty serious talks. Yes, sometimes a man can share his feelings. We became “special” friends and I couldn’t be happier. But life got in the way and he left town. Years later our lives intertwined again and just like before, “special” things happened. After a few very exhilarating months, he tells me that he is getting married. I played it cool and listened as he told me the minor details of this out of the blue person. Naturally I am beyond crushed and engulfed with jealousy, but I still want to have him in my life. Even if we can now only be platonic friends. 😦 I will spare the world of the next 9 or so months that ensued, and just go right into where I am now. He left ‘her’ and told me, in his own way, that he couldn’t understand how he was so stupid to choose “this thing over there, when he had a good thing over here the whole time.” He then looked at me in the way that makes my insides strangle each other and said, “I’m talking about you ya know.” I casually stated that I knew and played it cool as a cucumber. I was utterly floored at these words that I have been waiting forever to hear. He’s not the kind of man who can be pushed into feelings, so I knew he was speaking from the heart. Needless to say, I am once again at his mercy and will fight tooth and nail to the death to see how in the hell the two of us can pull this emotional heist off. Say what you will, but I will always love this man and will do whatever it takes to keep him in my life. One way or another.


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Don’t Worry. Everything Is Fine.

I don’t know how or when but there will be an end all apocalypse. Most people choose to believe that things like this will never happen and other say that a second coming will decide our fate. But this is how things will really go down. First, due to some yet unknown cause, there will be the forever mentioned zombie apocalypse.



Front Cover of

Front Cover of "The Do-it-Yourself Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


It’s only a matter of time before some undiscovered disease or virus or food poisoning will rear its ugly head and wreak havoc through our weak and underdeveloped immune systems. Or some dumb ass will just track some prehistoric Dino shit through a lab somewhere and doom us all. Either way, people will lose their ever-loving minds and tear through the living like a bulimic cannibal.

Now mind you, not everybody will perish in an inhumane way, but most of you will be consumed. I’m not being hateful; just stating the facts. And you know who you are. Now, back to the aforementioned human destruction. Those of us who survived will eventually see the end of these flesh-eating bastards. But not without a price.

Unfortunately for those of us who survived, our imminent demise is not far away. There is a small problem called technology. By the time the zombies come our technology will have advanced a little. As it is already, most electronics do things that Steven Hawkins wheelchair can’t even do. And when artificial intelligence is left to its own devices (ha) things go haywire. (haha) Soon enough our computers and advanced cells phones will wipe out the rest of who managed to survive. (Maybe we should take out Japan while we still can) Complete and under chaos will ensue. I won’t go into too much detail, as I will have taken cover with the last few civilians and don’t feel it’s necessary to share my survival skills with the un-equipped. But how, do you ask, can anybody possibly survive an endless all-consuming apocalypse? The complete and utterly mad.

Think twice about your crazy uncle with the tinfoil hat because it’s those fine individuals who will become your saving grace in the end. They will have already gone ape shit crazy long before the robots come about because it was the government all along who infected us with this brain munching disease and will have constructed safe houses and underground cities. Say what you will, but I’ll take my chances with crazy aunt Ethel over slave bearing robots. And if you’re reading this saying aloud to yourself, ‘this girl is 3 sides of nuts’, just remember who will have their head cracked open like a rotten egg first.


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